God is on the move! Thanks Don for blessing me with an abundance of coins promptly to bless the men in my circle, my Prophecy Bible Study group as well as students at Calvary Christian Academy in Dover, DE in addition to the strangers meandering aimlessly while out & about. While all accepted challenge so far, an overwhelming majority wanted coins to challenge others in their circle of influence (family & friends). In fact, one student wants to order 100 to challenge her church. So, please pray for the Lord to intervene in their lives in a BIG Way & equip them to boldly bless others as well as share the gospel to make Him known!
Thanks in advance Warriors4Christ! Stay strong & be very courageous!
I was given this coin by a friend. I have a street ministry in San Diego I need 100 coins for my ministry as we go out in the street to spread the word and My group is about 300 praying Christians and they really need the full amor of God because of the people we come in contact with. God bless your minestry. I really need more but dident want to ask. So what ever you can.
Can you tell me how much is 100 coins
Never stop
Al 7394 - God is on the move indeed. that may become a battle cry. so inspiring to read these stories.
Terrific posting Al. It was great seeing so many registering their Armor of God Challenge coins in rapid succession. I think I counted over 30 coin registrations all within minutes! It's so good to know that those in your influence will be carrying coins reminding them that God is close and is with us during our many battles and challenges! Good job Al!
Don coin 0001