We are in a war. Heaven is good, hell is evil, and earth is the battlefield - the battle is for the souls of men." Ben Peterson
Have you ever considered yourself a soldier in God’s army? Many people think of faith as peaceful and passive, but the Bible teaches that we are engaged in spiritual warfare. Jesus came to free captives, and as His followers, we are enlisted in that mission.
What battles are you facing today?
Throughout history, soldiers have sacrificed for freedom. One powerful example is the Bataan Death March in World War II, where thousands of soldiers were forced to march without rest, food, or water. For one survivor, the greatest moment of his life was when an American soldier said, “Brother, let’s go home.” This moment mirrors what Christ has done for us. Without Him, we are enslaved by sin, fear, and lies. But Jesus came to break those chains and call us into His kingdom of freedom.
Are you ready to take up your spiritual weapons?
Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. The enemy works to keep people trapped in fear, addiction, and hopelessness. As soldiers of Christ, we must be ready to fight with the armor of God.
How do we fight the good fight?
1 Timothy 6:12 tells us to “fight the good fight of faith.” This means staying strong in truth, resisting temptation, and standing firm in God’s promises. It also means going on the offensive—praying, fasting, and declaring God’s Word over our lives and the lives of others.
Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 that the gates of hell will not prevail against His church. Gates are defensive structures, which means we are called to advance, not retreat. Being a soldier for Christ requires endurance, but we do not fight alone—God Fights for us.
Take a moment to reflect—are you actively fighting for your faith, or are you standing on the sidelines? Soldiers do not wait for battle to come to them; they prepare, train, and stand ready. Equip yourself daily with God’s Word, strengthen your faith through prayer, and seek opportunities to set others free By sharing the Gospel.
Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
2 Timoth 2:3-4
The above is a great Devotion to read. Friends, we are all in a battle. What kind of Soldiers do we want to be? I ask myself, what kind of soldier do I strive to be? The above is a quick read from pray dot com.
One way to be a "Soldier for the Gospel", is to give someone you know or meet "The Challenge" and an Armor of God Challenge Coin! It's easy and can be a "first step" in being a testimony of God's grace, protection, encoragement and Salvation. Be Bold and be Brave for the Gospel!