10913Mar 04Update from Nigeria: 85 people received the Armor of God coin challenge on March 2nd.LikeReactions00 comments0Views
10913Mar 03Update from India: Recently, 59 people received the Armor of God coin and accepted the challenge.LikeReactions31 comment1Views
27999_HaileyFeb 09God is good ! God is great ! God also creates evil (Isaiah 45:7) , but as long as we follow the word and his teachings he protects us. LikeReactions10 comments0Views
10913Jan 30Last Sunday, The Armor of God team, visited a City named Gujrat in Pakistan.LikeReactions22 comments2Views
10913Jan 11Wonderful blessings testimony from India. The Armor of God coin is helping people to encourage and share the good news. Praise God!LikeReactions10 comments0Views